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Our Big Christmas Giveaway was birthed after our trip to Los Angeles where we saw amazing generosity in the midst of poverty as thousands of bikes were donated and then distributed amongst the poorest families in LA.  We decided to make a difference within our own community and anonymously give away brand new BMX bikes to children who were struggling at Christmas.  


Since this small beginning we now organise an annual Christmas Lunch at Portsmouth Football Club for over 100 guests which include those on the fringes of society.  We also deliver food hampers, toys and toiletries to families, hospitals and those in need as well as give a Christmas party and presents to children.

If you would like to contribute to our Big Christmas Giveaway then please do get in touch with us!  The more donations we get the more people we can be a blessing to!

​​Call us:

02392 822706

​Find us:

Faith & Football, Second Chance House,
Somers Road Bridge, Portsmouth, PO5 4NS

© 2017 Faith & Football

Charity Number 1103783

Faith & Football is part of Abijah Trust

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