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Portsmouth Foodbank

  • For their strategic approach to support people through food provision and then engaging with their deeper needs

  • Seeing the lives of the local community changed through ongoing relationships and sharing the Gospel


  • That people would be willing to give. Donations needed include: non perishable goods, sleeping bags, warm clothing - hat, scarves, gloves, thick socks, men's suits, baby items, toys and games, kitchen utensils and cleaning products

Christmas Party

  • Each Christmas we organise a Christmas meal at Fratton Park for over 100 people who find themselves caught in addictions, homelessness and unemployment, quite often through no fault of their own

Overseas Partners

  • The Gambia and Uganda that receive football kit, boots and footballs to run the 'Peace & Unity Tournaments' which provides the opportunity to engage with local community and support their needs on a deeper level

Relationships with Agencies

  • That our connections would open doors for sharing the Gospel and allow Jesus to be the solution these agencies are trying to provide

Other ways to help:

  • Donate food and other items (see above), football boots, kit, etc!

​​Call us:

02392 822706

​Find us:

Faith & Football, Second Chance House,
Somers Road Bridge, Portsmouth, PO5 4NS

© 2017 Faith & Football

Charity Number 1103783

Faith & Football is part of Abijah Trust

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