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Bring Your Beans is our opportunity to feed the hungry in our local community.  
Bring Your Boots is the distribution of donated football boots and kits to our overseas partners.

Our Big Christmas Giveaway was birthed out of an idea from the Los Angeles Dream Centre which distributes brand new bikes to children having a tough time at Christmas.  We also provide meals for the homeless, give out hampers and organise parties.

LoveSchools was set up by our intern Gina Cooke as a way to appreciate and honour the work of teachers and school staff in our community.  A simple way to say thank you for investing in the lives of children in our city.

Our Overseas work has seen us support various overseas partners as well as organising a number of trips to help those in need.  Our mission for every trip is to alleviate poverty, care for the needy and share the love of God wherever we go.

The Christian Supporters Club seeks to offer pastoral care for Portsmouth Football Club's staff, players and supporters. We hold bi-monthly member meetings as well as organising special events.

The Prayer Space is a time to gather together for prayer each day 9:00-10:30am.  Everyone is welcome to join in for all or part of it.  This take place at Second Chance House.  We take time out to listen to God, pray for our city and encourage one another.

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