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In Uganda Faith and Football work with a former UK Faith & Football volunteer Madi Tribe Chief, Drani Stephen Izakare who is based in Adjumani, Northern Uganda.

Faith & Football began the work in Uganda in 2007 and have been providing children’s and sports clothing, football kits and boots and training equipment for teams and financial support.

These donations of football kit and equipment started a process of community cohesion and had such a restorative influence, particularly on young men, that in 2009 we launched the Faith & Football Peace and Unity Cup. We provided funding for the tournament to include, pitch hire and marking, transport for teams from outside the host City, food, match officials, etc.  It proved to have a hugely successful and beneficial effect on local communities in the area. Over 10,000 people were present at the inaugural tournament with local chiefs and dignitaries present celebrating the unity that football can bring. In addition to the tournament teams were on hand to help with HIV/AIDS testing and awareness with a gala celebration of cultural activities.

The Faith and Football Peace & Unity Cup has become a regular event which in 2018 for the first time included teams from the Southern Sudanese refugee camps and their local communities in Northern Uganda to have a positive impact on these potentially volatile areas.

​​Call us:

02392 822706

​Find us:

Faith & Football, Second Chance House,
Somers Road Bridge, Portsmouth, PO5 4NS

© 2017 Faith & Football

Charity Number 1103783

Faith & Football is part of Abijah Trust

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